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Saturday, 7 September 2019

THE MANUFACTURER ........................................................................ By Siloko, Oyintari Ben

THE MANUFACTURER By Siloko, Oyintari Ben.

You might have lost your appointment, your relationship, your job, money, house and you ask yourself why bad things happen to good people. It is on this scene, while looking at life in the face that you have to take a decision to define your future. Shame has never done anything great for anyone, break out from that slavery mentality and set yourself loose. If you are persecuted, you have the right to also delete the thoughts from your mind and replace it with strength.

Challenges are what makes life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful – Joshua Marine
Sometimes you feel the journey of life is easy, but realistically it is not. You may also think that everybody loves you because you are good, but the truth is, they don’t love you because wickedness and envy are some things we can’t take away from the world.

Life is a daily struggle, you will encounter tragedies which some may liken unto challenges, but we don’t know that those challenges are shaping us. Don’t ever develop any mental picture, thinking those challenges are breaking you and stopping you from reaching your dreams.

No individual have gone through life without headache. What you need to do is to believe in perseverance to enable you steer your way through the storms of life.
Don’t think that life comes from privileges, therefore you sit doing nothing. If you do that, you are surrendering your dreams to those you think will help you. What if they don’t help you till you are 50? What then becomes of your life and destiny? 
The earlier you understand that life demands struggle, the better for you. According to Ray Kroc, luck is a dividend of sweat, the more you sweat, the more luckier you get.

Have you noticed that those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish and insensitive to the true values of life?
The things you consider difficult is molding you. Nobody reaches the full potentials of their destiny without pains. No ultimate goal is realized without struggle and pain. People will beat you, break you, betray you, cheat you, use you, batter you, but you must have a mental clay to remold yourself each time you are shattered or broken in pieces.

The reality is that pain doesn’t leave you the way it is.  After graduating from school and finishing my one year compulsory national youth service [NYSC] to my country, things were tough for me, I wanted things freely in life but they didn’t come through. I went through hard times but I didn’t let it break me. It was during those difficult moments that I realized the potentials in me.

If a friend betrays you, or you are going through any battle in life, you will definitely get over it and come out strong. Although, some people come out bitter after they go through struggle, while others come out better, but the outcome is for you to decide. Some people even blame God, while others build more confidence in God.

Character and confidence are not inherited, they are values that needs to be developed. There was a particular struggle I was going through, in the middle of it, I had to change my thinking to grow through the pain instead of going through it; after which I developed a new positive character and gained more confidence.

When you pay your dues to grow, you don’t let challenges, struggles and pains discourage you. You might have broken your knee to get a particular success, some mistakes would have cost you a lot, before you got what you were looking for, but when you finally get it, nothing will be able to beat you down.

Rich people cripple their children from being like them because their children will never be able to handle challenges when it comes. It is only the manufacturer that knows where the sensitive components in a product is located. You cannot substitute experience for learning, experience is an action, and learning is the motivation. Manufacturers are those who build, while distributors are those who learn from the builders. Most children of the rich end up becoming distributors, and once the product is finished, they can no longer manufacture that is why they end up going into extinction, but you have the creative ability in you to become a manufacturer, because things don't come freely to you in life; you need to struggle and go through pains to become a manufacturer.  

Don’t become a distributor if you want to go far in life. Challenge failure in the eyes to a point where you don’t fear to fail anymore.
Robert Stevenson Louis said, ‘Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.

Start planting today, tomorrow and every day to become a global figure.

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