The Banga boys are respected across the communities within the river banks.
The boys were instructed by General Pick-Two never to enter any community except recruitment period, and they are not supposed to harm any individual from those communities.
“Kipu, stop this boat”
Weni ordered the boat rider as he anchored the boat immediately at Pina-ama jetty.
Indibala, raced like a cheetah the moment he sighted Soti and Weni. Soti chased him immediately, with Weni following behind.
Weni had a type two AK 47 milled receiver rifle so his pace was slow, unlike Soti, who was carrying a 1911 commander pistol, as Indibala ran in the direction where soldiers were guarding a federal facility.
Aunty Tare’s sickness had worsen. Inetimi was now living with us at Garden City, leaving our energetic grandpa who was seventy eight years to take care of aunty Tare with herbs, as grandpa said the English man's chalk isn’t effective on aunty Tare.
“Indibala, stop there”.
Soti ordered as he fired two shots in the air from his pistol. Fear gripped indibala whose feet got stuck to the ground, as he heard the shots. He never processed the stop signal, but the shot signal.
The soldiers, upon hearing the shots fired, advanced towards the scene. Weni was four hundred meters from the scene when Soti shot Indibala three times, killing him instantly.
Just then, Soti sighted the soldiers and opened fire on them as he fled for the jetty thinking he was still fortified. The soldiers returned the shots as they pursued and their bullets penetrated him.
Weni saw Soti falling to the ground as the shots hit him. He dropped his AK rifle and sprinted as fast as his legs can carry him towards the jetty.
The Banga spy for the mission had tailed them and seen what happened. He knew the soldiers will capture the team if they decide to wait for Weni, so he ordered Kipu to ride the boat back to the camp.
Soti and Weni had disobeyed commanders order and they had no choice than leave them to their fate.
Weni got to the jetty and the boat had left. Immediately he turned back, he saw the soldiers who told him to stand still, but he disobeyed and was still trying to run towards the river when they gunned him down.
Aunty Tare was still hoping her Soti will return back someday, but Soti was never coming back home. He drank too much power and died from the overdose.